Indian Gooseberry in Miami

How Does Indian Gooseberry Work?

Indian Gooseberry in Miami

Indian Gooseberry Overview Information

The Amla fruit, also known as Indian gooseberry or Phyllanthus Emblica is a tree that grows in India and the Middle East. Ayurvedic medicine has utilized the gooseberry Emblica fruit for thousands of years. Today, people still use the fruit or fruit extract from this tree to make medicine due to its status as an antioxidant Ayurvedic medicine. You can find the product available in a variety of forms. These include USDA Organic Amla Powder. This amla fruit powder is derived from fresh amla fruit. 

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Ayurveda Center in Miami

Awake to the Wonders of Spring the Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine Ways.

Ayurveda Center in Miami

Awake to the Wonders of Spring the Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine Ways.

Spring awaits you, its time for new green growth, to blossom, is your soil ready? Depending on which system of knowledge and/or language one chooses, spring is the season in which water promotes wood (Chinese Traditional medicine) or in Ayurveda, Kapha (water and earth) wakes up to become active heading toward fire or Pitta. Of course in our own western medical tradition, this has always been the time for spring-cleaning.

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Ayurvedic Ideas Miami

A Few Ayurvedic Ideas for the New Year

Ayurvedic Ideas Miami

Ayurveda Health Benefits

A few Ayurvedic Ideas Miami for the New Year

A new year is here to allow us time for new beginnings and change! Taking care of your health should be the most important resolution you made for the new year. Yeah, yeah I know, diet, exercise, and better habits are the usual resolutions that last maybe through the end of January, what if I tell you that Ayurveda has a few Ayurvedic Ideas Miami, that are easy to follow that might even allow you to stick to your Diet and Exercise resolutions for a longer time if not forever. Evolv Wellness is offering a DETOX SPECIAL for the new year to help you with your resolution. 

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