What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture therapy is an ancient holistic treatment used to treat a variety of ailments. This natural treatment may look a little scary because it involves small needles, but there are many benefits and little pain involved during acupuncture therapy treatments.

The History of Acupuncture Therapy 

Originating in China, acupuncture therapy dates back hundreds of years before the Common Era. Today, acupuncture specialists use small needles during the treatment, but around 6000 BCE, sharpened stones and long sharp bones were used instead. 

Acupuncture theory states that energy flows within the human body, and this energy can be channeled to create balance and health. This energy flow is called “qi,” which moves along twelve main channels known as meridians. 

These meridians represent the body’s major organs and functions, but they do not follow the exact pathways of nerves or blood flow. 

Over the next few centuries, acupuncture therapy became more popular in China, and patients would complement their treatment with massages, a healthy diet, herbs, and moxibustion. 

Acupuncture Therapy: Treatments & Benefits

During the treatment, therapists insert needles in specific acupuncture points, which are areas with electrical sensitivity shown to be effective in treating particular health problems. 

One of the most common benefits of acupuncture is pain relief, but traditional therapy is still used today to maintain health and treat a wide range of illnesses. 

As a holistic treatment, acupuncture therapy focuses on the patient’s overall well-being, rather than treating only specific, isolated symptoms. 

Acupuncture subtly corrects internal physical and mental-emotional imbalances, whereby opening up the gates for higher consciousness and transformation. 

This overall focus is based on the ancient premise of this Chinese therapy, which is that health is dependent on the body’s life energy, “qi,” flowing in a smooth and balanced way through the network of meridians connecting all major organs.

Once this level of consciousness is achieved, then the true meaning of life is experienced. 

Miami Acupuncture at Evolv Wellness

At Evolv Wellness, we specialize in holistic medicine here in Miami. We offer massage therapy, cupping, ear candling, and acupuncture therapy. 

Acupuncture is an art that requires an understanding of the physical body and all its bodily functions. 

Combining acupuncture and a greater understanding of the elements of nature and the environmental and planetary influences allows for a greater experience of this art. 

Our massage therapists have a deep understanding of acupuncture and how it balances the body’s energetic flow. 

Your first acupuncture appointment includes a consultation where you can ask our specialists any questions and discuss any concerns you may have. In just under an hour, you can be on your way to total mind and body wellness.

Unlike regular facials, the acu-facial uses Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques to give incredible results.

We also offer a unique acu-facial that combines a relaxing skincare experience with acupuncture therapy. This procedure is unlike regular facials from estheticians, and it’s known to produce groundbreaking results and has transformed into a specialized anti-aging and beauty treatment program. 

The results of just a few sessions of acu-facials can be similar to getting a facelift without the expenses of cosmetic surgery! 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the complete organ system intersects in the face. Proper functioning of this system results in healthy, glowy skin. 

However, when there is an imbalance, the energy will reflect differently, from acne to premature wrinkles, dark circles, or even involuntary twitching. 

Any balance or imbalance from the body will show in the face, so we must pay close attention to our skin.

Schedule a Miami acupuncture session at Evolv Wellness right on our website! Make sure to check our selection of massage therapy sessions and our online shop. 

